We need your support to help us offer Help, Hope and Education to those whose lives are affected by mental health issues.

NAMI Brazos Valley provides all programs, support groups, and education classes free of charge to those in the Brazos Valley

We need your support to help us offer Help, Hope and Education to those whose lives are affected by mental health issues. image




NAMI Brazos Valley provides all programs, support groups, and education classes free of charge to those in the Brazos Valley

Veteran attends NAMI BV Support Groups

I was a successful soldier for 20 years; a successful school board member for 12; a successful radio personality for 10, and a tortured soul all of the time.

In addition to my doctors at the VA and medications, I attended the free NAMI Brazos Valley support groups called Connections which gave me the understanding and self-assurance I needed to live in recovery. My story is not unique.

Today, I am doing much better, I have a better understanding of my illness and hope for the future. Would you please join me in helping NAMI reach those like me who are suffering in the Brazos Valley? Donate today!
